
I'm a mother of three adorable boys and a precious baby girl.  A wife to a wonderful loving husband. A great friend to those whom I keep close and dear to my heart.

What inspired you to create Keepsake Goods?
I've always had a passion and an eye for fashion. As a young girl I would creatively modify pieces my parents would buy me. I grew a small clientele amoungst friends who would also want me to adjust garments for them. It was my hobby, I loved it! As I became older I pushed it aside and focused on family and my career. But for some reason a little over a year ago when I was told I was having a baby girl. It all came back to me. Why can't I? Why shouldn't I? Now here we are. My Muse.......Precious Jewel aka PJ.

1 comment:

  1. I have two beautiful little girls how can they model for your company my email is ninamoto2003@gmail.com
